Sunday, January 28, 2007

Meet Haru!

I'm Haru. I'm a geek. I love anime, movies, video/computer/role-playing games, science fiction and other geekish things. And I have a life. I hang out with friends, I go to parties, I listen to music, I do stuff. I'm a junior in high school and am, if I may be so bold, easily one of the cooler people at my school(s). You can find me on MySpace at this place. I'm an aspiring author who, for the sake of my future, and to expand to the blogging community (properly this time), has decided to start up this blog. I'll be doing a lot of stuff, from political blogging (I'm a conservative Christian) to new anime/manga/games/movies I find out about to general life stuff. Welcome to my blorg, and I'll talk at you later.


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