Thursday, February 8, 2007

In Delaware

Right, so I'm in Delaware for my grandmother's birthday. I'm having a great time; I absolutely love it here. We flew up here, stopping in New Orleans (sp) and Tampa. I gotta say, I was unimpressed with New Orleans (rimshot) and most impressed with Tampa. When we first flew over Tampa, I looked down and saw a hotel right on the beach that had a pool. I was like "Okay, why even bother with a pool? I mean, you have an ocean right next to you!" But in all seriousness, Tampa was beautiful. It most certainly warrents further study at a later time.

A real quick note here, please excuse any misspellings I may commit. I am using my grandparents' computer which does not have Firefox, so I am without the spellcheck. I love Firefox...

I also realized that Jerry Sienfeld isn't too funny.

We got a radio today! It's a dual-band handheld that I am itching to use, but can't because the FCC's painfully slow with updating the callsigns. Friggin' FCC.

I've finished Homer's Odyssey for one of my classes and am engaged in reading Aristotle's Poetics. It's quite good. The modern reader will see many of the conclusions he reaches as obvious, but perhaps they are obvious because we are so familiar with them (thanks to him).

Man, earlier today I had a very philosophical thought that I was going to put on here. I really hate when that sort of thing happens.

Recently, I got to watch the Leeroy Jenkins! video and see the South Park episode Make Love, Not Warcraft. I gotta say, there's something kinda "eeeeeee" about people who play WoW. I will be the first to admit that I wanted to play Everquest so badly, and that there are some MMOs that I would indeed play (I don't care what anybody else thinks about .Hack, I WILL PAY MONEY TO PLAY THE WORLD!!! LISTEN TO ME BANDAI!!! I WILL PAY!!!), but that WoW is just stupid. Even before I saw what it was doing to my cousin, I thought it was dumb (planning to opt out for Guild Wars, which is still my intention). It was only then that my suspicions were confirmed and my fears heightened. It just looks stupid, as opposed to the myriad of other MMOs out there (which some will argue are basically all the same game. To those people, I say "*shrug* Well, why waste your time on WoW?)

'Mkay, I'm done.

Keep it awesome,



Mercy Now said...

Humn, interesting that you find Tampa interesting:o) I live in Orlando and Tampa's ok. It's a low key vacation spot tho if you're that sort.

RobertDWood said...

Sounds like a good trip.
Tampa has a nice atmosphere.

Sienfeld isn't too funny... What spawned that comment?

Haru-san said...

Palmey: I was listening to some Sienfeld stand-up. Not too hotness.